Frequently Asked Questions

Our brand is unique and so is our story. If you have any questions that are not answered in the FAQ section below, please contact us at 949.229.0890 or

Our Story

We’re a lifestyle brand that creates products and experiences that help people feel their best no matter what life throws their way. With our forward-thinking approach to beverages, we’re changing the way you think about drinks – and about yourself. We’re excited to bring you a whole new generation of drinks that will make life more fun and enjoyable.

Inspired by our founder’s passion for encouraging people to celebrate life at every opportunity, “Jivati” is a Hindu term derived from the old Indian language of Sanskrit that means “to be alive.”

Our Ingredients

Our flavors are very light and refreshing, so they won’t leave you feeling weighed down or bloated. The perfect balance of fruit and spice will keep your taste buds intrigued throughout the entire can.You won’t find anything like it anywhere else.

Functional ingredients are natural extracts that come from plants. Botanicals, adaptogens, and terpenes are all examples of functional ingredients.

Organic Wheat Alcohol derived from Italy.

Our Sparkling Vodka has zero sugar. We use Monk Fruit Extract as a natural fruit sweetener.


Email with your contact name, business name, address, phone number, and email address. We will get back to you right away.

Email with your contact name, business name, address, phone number, and email address. We will get back to you right away.

Email with your contact name, business name, address, phone number, and email address. We will get back to you right away.

You can visit our influencer page and apply. You can also email to express interest in careers with Jivati.